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Graphic Design
& Art Direction

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I’m really into...

Editorial design, funky type, and grid systems.
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iPhone pics, stuff I made for friends, etc.


Graphic Design
& Art Direction

Hello there! I’m really into...
Editorial design and grid systems.


︎︎︎ About
︎︎︎ Contact


2022 DEAN’S REPORT ︎ University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications

Print Editorial

Role Senior Designer Art Director Casey McGee
Year 2022
Agency Opus Design
Awards Silver ADDY for Sales and Marketing, Collateral Material, Printed Annual Report
The Dean’s Report at The College of Journalism and Communications—an academic college of the University of Florida—is an annual print publication that gives updates on the school’s programs, students, career opportunites, and staff.

The report’s design was based on the university’s then-new brand book and campaign strategy, which centered around the concept of Momentum. Its design is youthful and bold: it features high contrast type, diagonal line design elements, and a bright color palette with gradient applications.

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